Request to store and administer emergency rescue medications and daily, routine, scheduled medications, as applicable.
Visit Information
The Hawaii Coalition for Health participates with the following health insurers:
AlohaCare Quest Integration
UHA (University Health Alliance)
HMAA (Hawaii Management Alliance Association)
HWMG (third party administrator for certain union-funded plans)
Blue Cross Blue Shield
The Hawaii Coalition for Health also accepts private pay patients.
We do not subject new patients or existing patients to long waiting times just to see a pediatrician. Our Medical Director also takes calls and assists patients with connections to health care services afterhours.
Visit info new patients
New patients
If your child has any of the accepted insurances listed & you are searching for a new Pediatrician, feel free to give our office a call.
Ages accepted for new patients
Newborn-18 years old. Any new patient 19y & over must find an adult doctor.
If you are an established patient with us, we will continue care for you up to 21 years of age.
Expecting mothers
Congratulations! If you are in the process of looking for a Pediatrician for your baby, look no further, our clinic has 3 wonderful Pediatricians & 1 awesome Family Nurse Practitioner, along with friendly and respectful staff.
We are currently doing Telehealth video calls for meetings with any new expecting parents, please call our office to set that up. Look forward to meeting with you!
New & transferring patient information
For new patients with Aloha Care or Quest HMSA, your child’s Primary Care Physician (PCP) must be changed to Hawaii Coalition for Health before we can schedule any appointments. If your child has dual insurance coverage, please make sure to notify our office when you call to make an appointment.
Once insurance is verified & appropriate appointment is scheduled, we will ask parents/guardians to make sure to have parent’s ID, patient/parent’s insurance card, patient’s previous PCP medical records such as Immunization Records, Medication History & Problem List with them when they come in for their visit. If you do not have any records, we will ask that you sign a Records Release form prior to your child’s appointment, so that we may have the records already on file. There are 2 ways to doing this: 1) We can email you the forms, you would print it out, fill it in & email them back, time permitting. 2) You can stop by the office to sign in person. **Due to Covid-19, we are checking temperatures at the door, if you’re temperature is higher than 99.9, we will have you wait outside**
Also, if you are a foster/adoptive parent, we need all legal documents, when you arrive to appointment.
**Any further questions, please contact the Office Manager, Shyla, at 808-622-2655.
Vaccinations are ordered for patients after well checks. Parents are asked to bring them to the office and our staff administers the appropriate shots. State vaccinations are available for our Aloha Care and HMSA-Quest patients, and are administered according to the AAP schedule.
Sick Care
Call our office to triage how we can best assist your child’s health needs 622-2655
Well Care
Standard appt visits are at ages 2 –4 days old, 2 weeks old, 4 weeks old. 2,4,6,9,12,15,18, and 24 months.
Ages 3-18 y/o annually. Additional evaluation checks may be added more than annually for chronic and special needs patients.
Our Services
The services our clinic offers:
- Vaccine administration
- Well Child Checks- EPSDT, sports forms, Form 14 student health forms, medical action plans
- Acute visits- newborn, infant, and adolescents to 21 years old
- O2 pulse oximetry, Pulmonary function testing, Audiometry, urine dipstick, nasal suction, Snellen eye chart, color vision screening
- Lab testing at DLS within the building complex, first floor
- Pharmacy at Longs within the building complex, first floor: or choose your pharmacy with instantaneous electronic sending
- X-rays via WGH, bilirubin levels at WGH and KMCWC
- Hospital admissions done by hospitalist on service at KMCWC
- Call coverage after hours, telephone messaging for consultation
- Referrals to Specialists
- Open on Saturdays 8:30a-12 noon
- Wai Wai Ola nutritional support sessions
Online Services
From routine checkups to immunizations, Island Pediatrics of Honolulu is equipped to handle all of your child’s health needs. To help you and your family understand your treatment options, we’ve included descriptions of some of our leading services on this page.